The Adventures of Manfred and Anton EBOOK

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The Adventures of Manfred and Anton EBOOK
The Adventures of Manfred and Anton EBOOK
The Adventures of Manfred and Anton EBOOK
The Adventures of Manfred and Anton EBOOK

Téti István bestseller gyerekregénye angolul, e-könyv formátumban.

📱 Vásárlást követően egyből olvashatod epub formátumban e-könyvként.

A Magyarországon, valamint a határon túl élő magyarok körében példátlan sikernek örvendő Manfréd és Anton kalandjai könyv angol nyelvű kiadása, Paul Olchváry műfordításában.

Kiváló olvasmány mind angol anyanyelvű, mind angolul tanuló – már bizonyos szintet elért – gyerekek részére.

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This is a one-of-a-kind book. Try not to think of it as just a story. Oh, it’s much more. Wild adventures, thrills, and lessons await. The main characters are kids like you. What happens to them could just as easily happen to you. What they learn is worth remembering, because it will come in handy.

Let’s find out what wild beasts Manfred and Anton had to fend off, how the Great Race ended, what the dark cellar was hiding, how Laura welcomed a little newcomer, what the secret gift was, and a whole lot more. Let’s get to know Manfred and Anton’s adventure-filled lives.

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The Adventures of Manfred and Anton is not a story. Nor is it a children’s novel. It is somewhere between the two, and it would be more precise to say that it belongs in a new category – a genre capable of holding children aged 6 to 12 in its grips while fostering in them a system of values, self-respect, creativity, imagination, self-confidence, courage, resilience, and a capacity for interpersonal relationships. Moreover, it seeks to instill in them a deeper respect for their parents and the wonders of the natural world. Having said all this, we’ve by no means said it all…

“Any child can readily make the realistic stories of Manfred and Anton their own, and with their tense pacing and enthralling storytelling, the overarching message hits home. This fine book is a must for parents who seek to give more to their children than an entertaining means of passing the time.” - Benedek Rab, school teacher & administrator

“Through these short episodes in the life of his book’s two protagonists, the author poses problems and situations that comprise the defining elements of every child’s life. I was pleased to discover that these conflicts do not go unresolved, but that the characters solve them with the clarity and ingenuity of the children that they are.” - Konor Sajti, UNICEF Youth Ambassador

  • Author: Istvan Téti
  • Translator: Paul Olchváry
  • Illustrator: Celestin Szabó
  • Line editor: Duncan Robertson
  • Ebook: 116 pages
  • Publisher: Kimberly Works (2019)
  • Language: English
  • ePub file ISBN: 978-615-81198-9-4

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